Monday 18 October 2010

Nature Assignment

Whilst taking my daughter to school the other day, I noticed the fantastic array of colour and wildlife on the lakes outside the JCB factory, in Uttoxeter. The sun was just rising and the colour on the trees was spectacular. Shame I did not have my camera with me but it served to provide another opportunity to photograph.
I will returnearly one morning with camera to capture and record the scene. But need to make sure the sun rise is clear so will carefully watch the weather forecast over the next few days.
Will take my tripod as the light will be low, my wide angle lens for the panorama shot of the lakes and trees and my 75-300 zoom to try to capture the wildlife. Interesting tip on the entry below to put the focus on Al-servo to maintain the focus even if the object moves.
Will also take the H&S precaution as noted on the earlier assignment as the "good" shots will be taken near water and the adjacent road. High Viz vest, torch and wellies for the long grass shots. 

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