Monday 18 October 2010

Assignment planning

Got home fairly early Friday pm and decided to take a stroll into Lichfield to look for possible photo opportunities around the Cathedral. Lichfield is a very historical city with many well preserved old buildings. Not least of which is the Cathedral and the numerous tudor buildings which surround it. Taking due note of the "light" and "perspective" which I have been reading about, managed to indentlfy several keys shot areas to revisit when time permitted. Needs to be on a clear evening just as the sun is setting when the light is at its most interesting.

That time of day requires my tripod and remote so as to maintain the stabliity of the camera in the slow shutter speed setting which the light will dictate. Also I will need my 10-24mm lens to capture the width and depth needed for the shot. Will also take my 75-300 zoom to capture the detail.

Will try and take the shot on Sunday evening to minimise the vehicular and pedestrian traffic and hence reduce tha risk from a health and safety view point. But will be mindful of the lack of light and the potential for hazards so will keep a torch and high visibility vest with me.

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