Monday 18 October 2010

Assignment 208 – Task 1a - Statement of Intent


Candidates Name:  A. S Rundle                                                 Theme: Nature and Wildlife
Title of the theme: The living breathing world

1. Intentions/purpose of the photography to be undertaken
My intention with this section of the course is to gain a better understanding of the techniques and use of location in taking better pictures of nature and wildlife.
It is a fairly simple task to take an average picture of the world outside and living creatures but to take a good photo requires a combination of several different factors. Light, composition, background, depth of field, colour to name but a few. My aim is to identify the factors effecting the choice of each to create great pictures.  

2. Reasons for selection of the theme (including inspiration from the work of others)
We all live in the “breathing world”. And we share that world with other living creatures – be they plants or animals. Having spent most of my life in rural settings, either at home or for periods living abroad, I have always observed the living world and hence have an interest in producing quality photos.
For inspiration I have undertaken some research and have found the following web sites particularly interesting and packed with really stunning images. Hopefully by the end of this session I can be some way towards capturing similar images.

3. The photo Imaging equipment and medium that will be used.
For my shoot I will use my own equipment viz:-
Canon 400 d Digital SLR camera
Canon 18-55mm lens
Canon 75-300mm zoom lens
Tamron 10-24mm Wide Angle Lens
Jessops 360AFDC flash
Camlink Tripod
Various batteries and memory cards

4. Techniques that will be used and how they will help convey the visual message
I will attempt to use the various lenses that I have to create different images and emulate the style of shots taken by the photographers I have noted on the web sites above.
 These, hopefully, will range from wide aperture, minimal field in detail shots to small aperture long field with shots for greater perspective. The subject will very much govern the choice of lens and setting.
I will also use the tripod to capture images in low light and darkness to enable me to allow the light, either natural or artificial, to enhance or highlight the particular aesthetic qualities of the scene.
I will not rule out the option of black and white shots but feel they are best suited to particular styles of situations where mood is all important.
The intention at the end is to produce images that convey the beauty of the breathing world.

5. How light quality can be used to convey the visual message
Light is fundamentally important in any image.
Even the dullest subject can look attractive in good light but conversely the most attractive subject can look drab in bad light. (unless that is the wish !)
It seems to me that most images of quality have either clear or partly cloudy skies and very few – other than in black and white – images are taken with our typical October/ November grey skies.
The time of day, clarity of the sky and height of the sun are all principles to consider in detail when taking shots.
 The cameras ISO setting will help, but getting the light right in the first place should be the aim.
I will attempt most light settings but feel that the time if year may well lead to late evening/artificial shots will be most appropriate.

6. Safety considerations
Be mindful of your safety and the safety of others !!!  Has to be the message.
 Always a good idea to visit the area to shoot and “plan” well to avoid any hazards or problems.
 Points to consider:-

Location. Any dangers to yourself ? Traffic ? Steps ? Falling?
Location. Are you a danger to others ? Obstruction ?
Equipment. Too heavy to handle ? Precarious to stabilise ?
Communication. Keep in touch with relatives ?

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