Thursday 30 September 2010

Conference Centre, Edinburgh

Spent the evening researching the work of Anthony Weller. Architectural Photographer. I picked out this picture as I appreciated the composition and the sheer number of ways of viewing the photo. The focal point(s) are sharp and lead your eyes to the numerous curves reading the photo in a number of ways.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Rushing Water

taken on the beach - I used a very slow shutter speed (1/15) and a small aperture (f32) to "blurr" the sea over the rock. The result is a real feel that the water is moving !

Lazing in Spain.

taken in gardens in Spain. Enjoyed the vibrancy of the colour and the minimal depth of field. Blurring both the stems front and back. Taken at 5.6 with 1/400.
The stems do give a feeling of depth but not too much