Thursday 21 October 2010

Ansells Sports Centre, Birm City Uni.

Taken with my 10-24 lens, f/18 and 1/80 sutter speed.

Realised we had no publicity material for this building which we finished last year. So on Wed ( a very bright and sunny day) armed with my camera, lenses and tripod I set off to take some publicity material.
Took several shots and liked this one. Fortunatly the sky was clear and the light was good. The perspective works and the kerb line draws the eye into the centre of the picture ie the main entrance. I think the shadows add to the depth and certainly exagerate the cantilever section towards the end of the building.Spoilt slightly by the drain pipes and lamp posts. Not the prettiest building in the world but I think the pic works.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Because you have access to buildings we need to identify which are possible for your theme and have you time to photograph them etc... logistics, etc

