Thursday 21 October 2010

Early One Morning.

Back at College now (21st Oct 2010) and time to upload the pics from the shoot yesterday morning. As I said in the plan, managed to get to the site just before dawn and got myself set with camera, tripod and lenses. The results are not quite what I had hoped but then a week or so further into Autumn and the colours of the leaves had deteriorated. Nevertheless some are good.

The first is before dawn with relatively still water and good reflections. I like the colours of the sky and leaves. The uniformity of the building adds depth to the picture. 

In this pic the sun is rising and shows as the gold reflection on the water. Again plenty of depth to the pic but the wind sock does spoil the image.

All the photos were taken at intervals as the sun was coming up. Borne out by the change in the colour of the sky. In most I have used the water to reflect the detail and colour to add interest to the picture. I have also tried to express the depth using near detail and keeping distant detail in view.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    As you are also doing landscape photography you may like to know that joe cornish is coming to do a lecture on 8.12.2010 from 7 til 9pm. This will be of great value and will inspire your work in this area.
    Along with the photos you have taken we did talk about a similar method that joe uses to improve your work.

