Sunday 16 January 2011

Winter Leaves - Example 2 - 208, Theme 2, Nature, Winter leaves

During my Nature research I have been studying the work of Chris Herring and in particular his photographs of Autumn leaves. Liked the pic he took of the acorns amongst the leaves as it conveyed great depth and he very much uses the abstract nature of the shot to create an array of shapes, colours and textures.
Liked the composition and the "full" scene with plenty of focal points

The original picture

Was looking for an opportunity to produce a picture of my own to replicate this work and came across this opportunity in the garden. Sadly Autumn had passed and winter was very much upon us but that merely served to give the picture a different feel.
If anything think this picture is better as it has a greater depth due to the various shades of the leaves. the points of interest are provided by the varying tones and the delicate areas of snow.

Original picture taken with my 18/55mm lens and with a f stop of 5.6 and a shutter speed of 1/200
The ISO was set at 100
Very little post production needed other than the usual resizing and a slight colour adjustment.

Final Image

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