Sunday 16 January 2011

Bull Ring, Steel Joint - Example 2 - 208, Theme 1 The Built Environment, Contemporary

On another fine day, travelled into Birmingham looking for photo opportunities for the second part of my 208 theme "the built environment". Was particularly looking for examples of contemporary Architecture which could align with the work of Paul White and Anthony Weller. Both of whom I have been reviewing as part of my reaserch.
Both photographers explore the shot as a detail element rather then as a whole and use the detail therein to create an abstract array of shapes, colours and textures
Tried with this shot of the node point of the glass cladding on the Bull Ring to replicate those principles.

Original picture taken with 75-300mm lens with an ISO of 100.  Aperture set at f/5 to give a shorter depth of field. Shutter speed of 1/400
The picture did not need a lot of adjustment but needed resizing and altering to orientate the main post in a vertical direction.

Once altered I then used the clone tool, to remove the white cable from the centre of the shot and remove some blemishes from the shading which drew the eye away from the main point of the picture.

I think the end result works and is a good comparison the the photographers noted above,.

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