Sunday 16 January 2011

Birmingham Council House Entrance - Example 1 - 208, Theme 1 The built environment, Historical

Early one fine November morning, headed into Birmingham looking for photo opportunities to add to my “ancient” group within the first set of the Assignment 208 - Theme 1a, the built environment photographs.
Saw this shot and very much liked the perspective. Seemed to resemble the images taken by Ezra Stoller if it could be converted to B&W. The creation of shapes and textures and the single point perspective all seemed relevant.

Taken with 10-24 wide angle lens with an ISO of 100. Aperture set at f/13 to give a reasonable depth of field and a shutter speed of 1/25

Tried initially to resize the image, convert to black and white and adjust the viewpoint to obtain a more interesting shot.

Was not really happy with the end result, there was far to much distraction away from the main focal point of the shot. So next I put the colour back and adjusted the tones. At the same time cloned out a number of the "distractions". The lamp post, the second person nad some of the vegetation on the stonework.

The end result still did not live up to what I was trying to achieve but now happier as the shot does resemble the shots of Ed Swindon. Where he uses the perspective and view point to focus on a single individual. Much happier that the result achieves this and especially now that all the distractions away from the main focus had been removed.

All that was needed was to zoom in further and to remove more irrelevant detail. I am happy with the end result. But could have greatly adjusted the colour tone to draw a greater comparison with Ed Swindons work.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    A really well recorded blog which clearly shows what you did in photoshop.
    Now can you make sure that the the 211 unit and the pres methods are as well evidenced.

