Sunday 16 January 2011

Warwick Castle - Example 1 - 208, Theme 2, Nature, Winter

On a very frosty day I happened to be in Warwick and had my camera with me. It was just before Xmas and the average daily temperature had not exceeded -8 deg C for many days.
Travelling out of the town I passed over the bridge and saw this spectaculer scene. Duly parked up and got my camera out and started shooting.
One of the photographers I have been studying as part of this theme is David Noton who lives in the West Country. His array of winter and in particular snow photographs is stunning. Tried to emulate his pictures with this shot by creating plenty of foreground interest and texture, good framing to the shot, a strong focal point and a large tonal range.

Shot taken with my 10-24 wide angle lens with f/8 and a shutter speed of 1/125.

Very little post production needed except the usual resizing and some cloning to remove the people
from the river bank whose presence is detracting the eye from the main focus


The final image is stunning.
Ironically after taking these images I did spot some similar images in the Daily Mail by the photographer David Burges who lives in Coventry. Apparently he was in Warwick/Kenilworth on the same day and took a series of picture which were published in the paper. I did e-mail him and asked him to comment on my set of pictures which he duly did and his notes are contained in my comments section.


  1. Hi
    Well evidenced screen grabs of your post production, this helps me to see a technique you may have used throughout, but as you have done and we discussed you only need to show it once or twice.
    On the home stretch now just check that you have an answer for all the criteria as we discussed.


  2. Hi, I'm trying to reach you as I would like to use this photo (at a 300 ppi/dpi resolution) in a book cover I'm creating. Would you be willing to give me that right
    thanks much,
    Denise Domning (
