Sunday 28 November 2010

Sunday 27th Nov.

Out again today looking for opportuties to create interesting pics. Really liked the photo from the Chris Herring research. The picture shows attention to shape and colour. The theme is somewhat secondary to the creation of the mass of colour, texture and shapes and shaddows.

Herring Pictures

ISO 100, 18-55mm lens with +10 close up added. f?5.6 at 1/200 speed.
Although being somewhat closer the end result is similar. The picture creates the "abstract" array of colour and shape evident in the reference pics that I was looking for. Really like the variety of shaddows, tones shapes and colour.


  1. Oh what fine acorns!!
    Good shot of what could of been very dull, nice lighting and should look great off the original.


  2. Whoops thought that shot was yours, you must be getting better then!!!

