Sunday 28 November 2010

Shoot Results

Sat 26th Nov 2010 Dave and I headed off to the Botanical Gardens in Birmingham armed with all our gear, tripods and new macro lenses. +1, +2, +4 and +10 close up lenses to add to our 58mm dia lens.
The day was not as bright as had been forecast but then by 9.00 when we arrived it was OK. Set off in search of suitable opportunities. Snow was on the ground so we were looking for good contrasts in the colour against the white snow background. Also wanted to make sure the sun was creating good shapes and shaddows.
Didnt spot as many as we had hoped and we were further scuppered when the sun disappeared at 10.00. Nevertheless some pleasing results but also good experience in using the macro lenses.

All the pictures were taken with my Canon 400D camera and the 18-55mm lens with in the main the +10 close up macro lens added. Mostly f/5.6 with varying shutter speed. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Some good images here that may need a bit of a tweak in photoshop to add abit of sparkle or colour adjustment to add a bit more vibrance to the images. I may need to see these originals, so make sure you have them with you next session.(dont forget its this weds!!)

