Thursday 25 November 2010

Theme 2 Nature Assignment Planning.

On the advice of Steve last week, I am planning a trip to the Botanical gardens on Saturday am to try the nature pics.
Spoken to them this morning and they are happy for me to do the photos providing they are for my own use and not to be used commercially. The place opens at 9.00 which is a little disappointing as I had hoped to get there earlier and use the early light and (anticipated) frosty conditions. Oh well will have to work with what we have.
I am aiming to emulate the photos of Guy Edwards on my blog with close up, macro type (without the macro lens). Will be particularly looking at light, colour and compostion as these I believe are the secrets of taking good nature pics.
Will also be mindful of the work of Chris Herring as I will try to create pics with abstract composition, shapes rather than specific objects.
Will take all my gear mentioned in the "theme" plan including the high vis jacket to alert the public to my presence, and my mate Dave to share the experience.

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