Thursday 11 November 2010

John Devises photography

Quote from John "I have been obsessed with wildlife and the natural world for as long as I can remember. Over the years I have accumulated a wealth of knowledge that has enabled me to understand my subjects sufficiently well to be privileged to enter their world. I get such a thrill, when through patience, or perhaps a little edible bribery, a normally timid species accepts me sufficiently to enable a close approach and to allow me and my camera to capture something of their essence. Every picture on this website has a story behind it, and my aim is to hopefully share with others, something of the beauty and wonder of the natural world that I have been honored to witness and photograph during my years as a wildlife photographer."

 These pics are simple but effective. The use of colour and shapes makes the pic and the and focal point is very specific. I like the shadows and contrast the light produces.
Composition is clean with little to distract the eye from the main subject.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    More research required in this area , maybe leave architecture if you feel that you have enough and concentrate all your efforts in this area.
    You may feel you can link in with mans effect on the environment as well and how one encroaches on the other.
    Talk to me about this.

