Thursday 11 November 2010

Black And white

As the weather looked good and it appeared the light was going to be OK decided to plan a trip into Birmingham. Principally wanted to look for good opportunities to produce some pics in a similar vien to those produced by Stoller.
Liked this pic as the perspective is clear and the tonal range and shapes are varied. There are several pictures in this one. Could have taken lower and used an upward perspective to add interest.The person in the distance adds scale to the picture.
Used ISO 100 with f/13 and exposure at 1/25
Chatting to Steve this pm he suggested comparison to Ed Swindon and the artist M C Escher. 

These are all Ed Swindons pictures. Somewhat manufactured ! But end result is good. Irrelevant detail is blacked out to focus on the main point of the pic.

ISO 100 f/4.5 with shutter speed 1/125
Internal of St. Phillips Cathedral. Slightly darkened but only to increase the intensity of the window shadow on the wall. Liked the resulting shapes and tones. Even the perspective works well to draw the eye into the picture.

ISO 100 f/13 Shutter speed 1/20 th sec.


  1. Hi
    Your analysis of what you are both researching and photographing yourself is really well done and I am sure you are benefitting from doing this as it is showing in the level of work you are producing.


  2. Hi
    We need to look how we can post produce these in an interesting way maybe something along the lines of eds work, maybe.

