Thursday 18 November 2010

More Nature Photography research

Now back at College and gathering together some more research into the Nature theme. Was looking around the internet last night and came across these two photographers. Really liked the work for its simplicity and lack of clutter.

Recently bought Guy edwards book "100 tips for shooting good nature photos" and he says the main focal point should always be uncluttered and well defined.

He also noted the time of day as being vital in the making of a shot. Early morning and late evening (not very grey November days) are recommended as adding interest.

The first is Chris Herring. Once again the subject in each case is simple, it is the view point, angle of light, composition and shades which makes the interest. Particularly impressed with the acorns. Simple but very effective. The shades, colours and shadows  really make the shot. As does the composition and the tonal range.

The view point of the first picture and light make the shot and it reads well from left to right.

The second is Steve Street. Again the focus is simple and straightforward. The interest in the picture is made by the lighting, shadows and tonal range.
Colour features heavily in all the shots and naturally that leads to great contrast in the range.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    I really need to see more of your nature shots so we can compare them all together, as I said the other class, aim to finish your photography soon as we will be only doing photoshop and final images after xmas.
    Shoot what you need fairly sharpish, or if you have enough concentrate on your criteria and raising the level of your grade if possible.

