Thursday 14 October 2010

Timothy Soar photography

Back at college now and continuing my research. Last time found this guy whose photos I like.

I am particularly impressed with his use of straight lines and symmetry. A trait at home with any Structural Engineer !
He seems to put great emphasis on the focal point of the picture being in the centre with the perspective being very central and straight.
The use of colour is usually minimal and subtle so as not to detract from the overall shape and form of the building. But where it is evident it servers to enhance rather than detract from the simplicity of the photograph.
The result is very simple but effective in emphasising the perfect form of the building without unnecessary distractions and clutter.

This pic does show the use of the central focal point and perspective.  The colour is simple and the lines are straight.
particularly like the lines on lamps leading into the pic. Just a shame there is not more of a main focal point. Single point perspective.
This pic is similar in so far as the symmetry, straight lines and focal points are concerned. But there is a well defined focal point leading into the scene. The use of light is good and creates an interesting array of shadows.

Here again the perspective is straight. But this time he has used the lack of colour to emphasise the simplicity of the shot. The composition works well as do the simple lines.

Here he uses the advantage of colour and the reflection of the elevations. But the theme of straight lines is constant as is the simplicity of the shot. I like the composition and the natural daylight adds interest to the overall pic.

Again the straight lines are evident but uses the light to add interest to the shot. The composition is good and simple with the main focal point being the chairs. The dark floor merely adds interest and contrast to the light colour of the walls. the only distraction is the plug sockets. Should they have been photoshopped out ??

Is this an external corner or internal ?? Either way it works. The composition is good and the perspective is good. The reflections work well to form interesting shapes and the colour adds interest to the shot. 

Like the use of colour and the perspective. 

This pic shows the principle of two point perspective and two vanishing points. Colour and composition are good and the use of light works.

Perspective and lines are good and straight. The vanishing points are strong and the use of colour works well.

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