Sunday 3 October 2010

Initial homework assignment 23rd Sept 2009

Initial assignment to take a series of 5 pics using the M mode on the camera and using different settings and ISo`s. The pics were taken 3rd October, indoors as the weather was very inclemant

The first shot was taken with an ISO setting of 1600 as the indoor light was very low. The relatively high shutter speed allowed the moving plant outside to be frozen. The pic was taken at f/16 and 1.3 sec shutter.   

The second pic was taken with a vertical camera at ISO 800. The light was slightly better but still not brilliant. The resulting settings were f5.6 to get the sharp focus and shutter 1/5th sec.

The next pic has been slightly spoilt by cropping to square.The detail of the plant on the terrace has been lost. However the basic point of the pic is still there. It was taken into a mirror with my daughters hands in front. The point was to focus the garden and "soften" the hands. The f 9.0 setting allowed the garden to be in focus and the shutter is at 1/40. The ISO is 800 again.

I liked the setting for this pic. In an alcove with a down light. The light was good hence the ISO setting of 100. Again kept the F at 9 to keep the depth of field good. The resulting shutter was at 1.6

The final image again was taken at ISO 1600 as the area in the house was not well lit. Could have changed the ISO but would have slowed the shutter and made hand held impossible. (With a moving Model !!) Taken at f 4.0 and 1/20 th sec shutter to shorten the field. Image taken with the aid of a mirror.

  1. Images saved as Jpeg rather than RAW - wrong - difficult to manipulate
  2. Does RAW setting give the 300 dpi ??
  3. Loss of qualtiy with ISO 1600. Better to use lower and accept shutter speed and use tripod.
  4. Watch composition - when need to crop square. !!

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