Wednesday 27 October 2010

Frosty Morning

Decided to arrive early for a meeting in Warwick on Monday. I knew the office I was to visit was surrounded by landscaped gardens and having seen that it was going to be a clear, cold and frosty morning thought it would be a good photo opportunity. I was not disappointed. Took several pics of the frosty scene but liked these the best. All the pics were taken with my 75-300 lens as I knew I needed the large apperture to focus on the detail and reduce the depth of field. Could have used a macro lens but I do not have one !!

The light was good so did not need the tripod, shutter speed was good enough for hand held. High Viz jacket worn at all times to be well seen

Particularly liked the contrast on this pic, from the dark tones in the leaf shadows to the bright white of the frost in the sunlight. The red berries add depth, and the perspective adds interesting shapes.

ISO 100 with f/5.6 and shutter speed at 1/30th.

The next pic again shows the contrast of the colours in sunlight and shadows behind the leaves. The depth is good from the icy foliage in the forground to the reflected sun in the window of the building to the rear. Liked the way the sun is reflected off the frost particles on the leaves.
ISO 100 with f/5.6 and shutter speed at 1/60th

These chaps appeared in the shade of a frosty bush. Like the symmetry, composition and the contrasting colours. Interesting shapes and patterns formed with the leaves and particularly the moisture drops on the petals.

ISO 100 with f/5.6 and shutter speed 1/80th.

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